The Glorious Church


All Blog Posts (87)

Elder Appointment & Celebration

In October of 2004 I (Jim) attended my first Glorious Church Conference. I had been discussing, reading and studying biblical eldership but needed a little more information and to see where others were at in this process.


Process? Yes, the process of going from being a solo/single pastor to becoming an elder led assembly. After leaving the Conference I went home and shared with the other men what I learned, and we started Elder Training in January of 2005.




Added by Jim Moses on February 25, 2011 at 7:43am — 1 Comment

Do I Really Want To Be Like Jesus?

Part of my prayer this morning was probably like most christians: there was a desire to become more like Jesus. While praying this, the thought occurred to me, just what am I asking for? Then I took some time to meditate on what could the answer of this prayer entail.

It is a common theme today for many individuals to write, blog and preach about how the…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on February 10, 2011 at 12:33pm — 2 Comments

The Successful 21st Century Church

For a recent conference, I was asked to be one of the members of a panel discussion, our topic was: The Church in the 21st Century. A lofty theme for a two-hour dialogue.

In preparation, I spent much time ruminating on what has been written about the current church situation and what is seen as biblical models of a New Testament church. The following is a few thoughts I jotted down. Now they are not a complete dissertation, but I think, they are…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on February 1, 2011 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Does Your Church Have Curb Appeal?

So I have finished the makeover on this house and we now have it on the market. To help make the sale, a key step is to stage the house. The idea of staging is to place furniture, pictures and decorations in key places to give the prospective buyer an idea of how they could arrange the house. When done correctly, you find they will begin to discuss how their furniture would fit in the particular room.

One of the components of staging is the outside, particularly the front door:…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 28, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Defending Water Baptism

This post is a response to the entry for Acts 2:38 in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Revised and Expanded, edited by Jerome H. Smith (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992, pp. 1234-1235). 

Smith writes,

The English text does not adequately convey the grammar of this verse.  When the grammar is understood, the verse no longer can be used to support any view of baptismal regeneration or baptismal remission of sin.  The phrase "every one of you" is mistakenly…

Added by Michael V. Frazier on January 17, 2011 at 12:24am — No Comments

Mind Altering Books of 2010

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ~James Bryce


The following is a list of the books that significantly impacted me in 2010. To reach this list, these books changed, clarified or reinforced my (new way of) thinking. Obviously, I do not agree with every word, but enough to recommend them.


Total ChurchChester & Timmis

What impacted me most regarding this book was their grasp on the holistic…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 13, 2011 at 12:15pm — 2 Comments

What's Your Precious?

I’m a huge Lord Of The Rings Fan. I was introduced to Tolkien and the Hobbit back in eighth grade algebra with Mr. Parkinson. I was in desperate need of extra credit (notice the emphasis added!).  For those of us who were sinking fast, Mr. Parkinson offered extra points if we read The Hobbit and gave a short a report. What it had to do with algebra, I still do not know, but like any drowning man, I grasped for a lifeline!

It so happened that our family was… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 6, 2011 at 6:32pm — 1 Comment

Tablet Theory of Genesis

Around July 2010, a discussion was raised on another network about Biblical Authority. Someone had been attempting to witness to a homeless man, but was rejected on the basis that the Bible couldn't be trusted. When asked "Who wrote Genesis?" the answer of "Moses" did not provide a sufficient response: "How could he know. He wasn't even born yet." The following was my contribution to the discussion.


Okay, I'm probably going to receive a few "raised eyebrows" at this one,… Continue

Added by Michael V. Frazier on August 16, 2010 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Faith: The Journey of Self Discovery

“Faith faith faith, just a little bit of faith. You don’t need a whole lot, just use what you’ve Got. “ Who ever wrote the lyrics to this song: I wonder if they really listened to what they were saying? It seems that they are implying that faith is this magical, mystical elixir that just “a little dab will do ya!” I don’t know, maybe they have a better understanding, but this is not the faith that I see in the word.

The faith I read of is something that takes us on a process of… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on July 19, 2010 at 11:27am — 1 Comment

When God's Promises Hurt!

“What!” you may be exclaiming: “That is absurd, when can God’s promises hurt?” May I offer a response – when they do not seem to be coming to pass.

Think for a moment of the excitement you experience when the Lord gave you a promise. Maybe it is about your job, finances, loved ones or a particular ministry. Daily you anticipate its fulfillment. Yet as time passes and the promise does not seem to materialize, there is a change in our attitude. Excitement now becomes frustration, maybe… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on June 24, 2010 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

The Viral Gospel

We have entered a transition phase of business marketing and advertising. There is this shift from interruption tactics to a more organic form. The day of mass TV ads, full-page magazine spreads, billboards, radio spots and direct mail seem to waning in effectives. Why?

• First, we are so inundated with these ads: we begin to block them.

• Second, many have become irritated with these unsolicited interruptions of our valuable time.

In short, the interruption marketing… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on April 26, 2010 at 11:58am — 4 Comments

TIME did not exist at the Beginning?

One person wrote the following comment in a discussion of the Creation Week:

In my opinion we will never be able to determine the length of time for the first 3 days......Time did not

exist as we know it until the 4th day ( 24hr. periods).

GENESIS 1:14-19............The sun, moon, and stars were created on the 4th day in v.14 God tells us

why .......let them be for signs,seasons,days and…

Added by Michael V. Frazier on April 9, 2010 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Some Good News!

We’ve just completed a weekend with Bro. Martin Schmaltz teaching on Apostolic Authority. I must say it has been very beneficial for our assembly. (We also had him in our home-group meeting on Sat. which was an additional blessing for all involved.) The teaching was outstanding and the Sunday night meeting brought some pleasant happenings as well. While there were quite a few that claimed…


Added by Donnie Gillum on March 30, 2010 at 9:31pm — 2 Comments

The Revelation of Antichrist

A church member recently asked me to review a book he picked up at a local bookstore. Entitled In the Twinkling of an Eye (no publisher or date listed), author Gene Williams, Th.D. writes a very simple book to illustrate the events of the Tribulation in light of a pre-tribulational rapture.

In chapter 4 of his book, Dr. Williams begins with an explanation of the Antichrist's revelation in 2 Thessalonians 2.

Now we beseech you,… Continue

Added by Michael V. Frazier on February 19, 2010 at 9:30pm — 6 Comments

The Myth of the Flat Earth

Throughout our school years, most of us were taught Christopher Columbus wanted to sail around the earth in order to prove that it was round, and that for countless years before him, the establishment had maintained the earth was flat. However, this account is a gross misconception. The idea that most people in the 15th century thought the earth was flat was actually made up in the 1830s, yet this myth has since been used against Creationists ever since. Critics of Creationism continue to… Continue

Added by Michael V. Frazier on January 26, 2010 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

The Apostasia of 2 Thess. 2:3 is the Rapture?

Although not widely accepted, there is a teaching that the "falling away" of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 refers to the rapture of the Church. I have encountered this particular viewpoint before, but in January 2010, I came across it again in a much broader format. It is an interesting effort to support the pretribulational rapture perspective.

Generally recognized as a teaching spread by E. Schuyler English during the 1950's (although it can be shown to date as far back as 1895), the central… Continue

Added by Michael V. Frazier on January 25, 2010 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Church Leaders: What Are We Building?

Recently I viewed a video of legendary basketball coach John Wooden describing his definition of success. In essence, his goal was not to build a winning basketball team: his goal was to build people. By help each individual come closer to realizing their full potential, they would be a success and the by-product would be a winning team.

My mind naturally went to Christianity and church. I asked my self a question: “Do we seek to build successful churches or to build people?” Jesus’… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 18, 2010 at 9:44am — No Comments

The Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians

In early 2010 I came across a post concerning the timing of our Lord's return in which the author presented the argument that since the text of Matthew 24 does not contain any specific reference to God's wrath, it could not, therefore, be a reference to the Great Tribulation. Although this was the first time I've ever encountered this particular line of reasoning, I understand that many people consider the Great Tribulation as being the Wrath of God. I have already commented on this particular… Continue

Added by Michael V. Frazier on January 16, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Will Your 2010 Goals Cost You?

Happy New Year. It is the beginning of 2010. Usually at this time we plan a fresh start – which is good. Many of us have made the resolutions, stated our goals and we are looking forward with anticipation to a better year. Yes, 2010 can bring a year of success if we are willing to do the one thing all goals have in common and that is – change.

It seems like it is a law somewhere, if I want to go up I must give up. To be different I have to do different. So if my goals challenge me to… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 9, 2010 at 4:33pm — 3 Comments

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