The Glorious Church


Part of my prayer this morning was probably like most christians: there was a desire to become more like Jesus. While praying this, the thought occurred to me, just what am I asking for? Then I took some time to meditate on what could the answer of this prayer entail.

It is a common theme today for many individuals to write, blog and preach about how the church needs to focus on discipleship, becoming more like Jesus. In fact, it seems to be the mantra of many today, maybe even mine.

Maybe we need to stop and think a little before we move on: what Jesus are we trying to be like?

It seems in many circles we have an image of Jesus that is portrayed as a sanitized moral perfectionist. An example whose lifestyle is that of a set of characteristics, evidenced by living particular guidelines: when accomplished, one is deemed pure, holy, righteous etc. Is this the Jesus we are to be like? I am not sure…

A casual observer of Jesus would have seen someone quite different.

He was selfless and submitted.
He came to do the will of the one who sent him
He came as a religious revolutionary, challenging the paradigms of tradition
He taught a kingdom and proved its existence by demonstration

He was homeless, and penniless
He was hungry and tired
He was misunderstood by those he came to help
He was missed by those who were looking for him

Do I really want to be like Jesus?

He was called illegitimate, sinner, drunkard and demon possessed
His own family ridiculed him
He was deserted by those closest to him

Do I really want to be like Jesus?

He didn’t preach a conference, but He spoke to thousands
o But he had to provide the lunch
The bulk of his ministry was not some Toastmasters 3 point homily
o But stories so simple, a child could grasp
He didn’t have a fancy church edifice
His “pulpit” was found in boats, on hillsides, in the wilderness, along the roadside

Do I really want to be like Jesus?

His ministry was not one day a week
He impacted lives in the daily rub of the ordinary or mundane
He touched the untouchable, loved the unlovable, forgave the unforgivable, valued the valueless and gave to the undeserving
He was despised, rejected, criticized, condemned and ultimately crucified!

Do I really want to be like Jesus?

He opened blind eyes
The lame walked
The dumb talked
Demons were cast out

He told us
o If I lose my life, I would find it
o We would be persecuted for His name sake

o All power is given to Him – now we are to Go!
o He was sending us just as he had been sent
o That we would do Greater works than His

o He would not leave nor forsake us
o He would be with us to the end of the earth

Do I really want to be like Jesus? Yes, but I must deal with the war of the flesh and spirit. It is the Spirit with in me, calling, compelling me to be what He desires. Yet is my natural man that is partial to self, judging the cost of my comfort and pride before I fully commit. So maybe my prayer should focus more on the daily dying to self: then the Spiritual would begin to manifest.

What say ye?

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Comment by Martin Schmaltz on February 20, 2011 at 8:23pm
Thanks Mike.
Comment by Mike Gibson on February 20, 2011 at 8:18pm
 Hey that was awesome. And yet......yes I do want to be more like Jesus.

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