The Glorious Church


Donnie Gillum
  • Male
  • Flatwoods, KY
  • United States

Donnie Gillum's Friends

  • Edward Graham
  • Myron Powell
  • Manuel A. Hernandez
  • Adam Hoppenbrouwer
  • Jamie Blair
  • Kenneth Paul Scott
  • Mike Hensley
  • Jamie Hulsey
  • Jim McKinley
  • Michael V. Frazier
  • lorne
  • Mike R. Prevost
  • Nathan Miller
  • Gregory Howard

Donnie Gillum's Discussions

The Personal Qualities of Those Who Govern
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike R. Prevost Jan 23, 2012.

Concealed Carry
117 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike R. Prevost Aug 8, 2012.

Was James the leader of the Jerusalem church?
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Donnie Gillum Apr 28, 2011.

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Donnie Gillum's Page

Profile Information

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Description of Ministry
Married to a wonderful wife, have three lovely daughters; two married, one still at home.My only grandchild a girl, is now one year old (and sure does love her papaw)! Been in ministry of the Word for @ 30 plus years. Currently Sunday morning Bible teacher/preacher at local assembly, and a home-group leader.

Donnie Gillum's Photos

Donnie Gillum's Blog

Some Good News!

We’ve just completed a weekend with Bro. Martin Schmaltz teaching on Apostolic Authority. I must say it has been very beneficial for our assembly. (We also had him in our home-group meeting on Sat. which was an additional blessing for all involved.) The teaching was outstanding and the Sunday night meeting brought some pleasant happenings as well. While there were quite a few that claimed…


Posted on March 30, 2010 at 9:31pm — 2 Comments

Litul 'citement!

I want to share a little news here from the good ol' Bluegrass State of Kentucky. Here is a very condensed version:

My niece and her husband went with a bunch of workers in a very nearby town this past weekend. They went out on the streets of downtown Ashland in the night time and pulled a horse trough full of water on a trailer behind a Jeep. By the time the weekend was over, they had baptized 40 people in Jesus' Name and 110 people received the Holy Ghost. This was happening right… Continue

Posted on November 5, 2009 at 7:30am

What You Can Do to Prevent Forced Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations.

Though things are not looking so well, this is something that is well worth the time to look at:

Posted on August 20, 2009 at 9:23pm — 1 Comment

The Trial of Jesus

This complete article may be read at this link:


From a Speech by Hon. Harry Fogle*

Edited by Frederick Graves

© 2002 by Frederick Graves – All Rights Reserved

There is so much mysticism and confusion surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection that

we lose sight of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a man tried before a court of men under

laws of men, that he was convicted and executed as a… Continue

Posted on July 22, 2009 at 11:26am

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At 8:01pm on August 21, 2010, J. T. Wheeler said…
Thanks for the welcome, Elder Gillum! And thanks again for the conference CD's. They were very helpful. I'm actually going to be meeting with my ministry team in the next couple of weeks and we will be going over a new model of ministry for our church here in Ashland, KY. To God be the glory. :)
At 7:30pm on July 17, 2010, Pastor Barry Henderson said…
Hello Brother Gillum, we have a small group of about 60 people in our northern town of Australia; our weather is not unlike New Orleans in summer time so it gets very humid and some times heavy tropical rains come in December – January, the Church is mostly young people so we are very active in music out reaching in our area, we have a daughter work just begun in a town called Charters Towers a small mining area of 12.5 thousand folks there’s about 10 people coming regularly now so we do covert your prayers for us we don’t have many other apostolic groups near us, we love the truth and that causes us to be separate from the Christians groups around us in this area., so if your ever in North Queensland call in for a fellowship meal etc God Bless Brother Gillum please give our kind thoughts and love to your Church and Family and Friends from the Townsville Pentecostal Church.
At 8:31pm on July 13, 2010, Jim Moses said…
Good! Can she tell a difference in her health after 57 days? Sis went on the diet last spring. I am really excited for you guys or should I say gal : )
At 7:00pm on July 13, 2010, Jim Moses said…
It's going good. June 1st was 1 year. Did you guys do anything with it?
At 12:15pm on May 5, 2010, Edward Graham said…
Well things are heating up here in Jamaica and it's not yet the summer months. People are crying out for God seeking Him as they are becoming aware that He is their only hope, as well as people are shunning the knowledge of Him. I guess that's you'll find everywhere, but strides are being made to win the lost for Lord. We have much fight from the evil as was to be expected. People aren't willing though to accept the plural leadership style, I guess that they are used to the authoitarian style of leadership but all in all I have to say that God has been tremendously great. Some have accepted and greeted it with cheers of joy.
At 6:12pm on May 4, 2010, Edward Graham said…
Thanks for your response. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and to share experiences on the walk with our Saviour. I think this is a tremendous opportunity provided us by the technology to link with like minded people from around that world to share the good news and our thoughts about Jesus, the Great God and Saviour.
At 3:45pm on February 21, 2010, Donnie Gillum said…
LOL! Great! Mind telling a little of your journey - how you came to see plural elder leadership, your contact and association with your fellow-elders and progress to this point?
At 2:55pm on February 21, 2010, Myron Powell said…
Thank you brother Donnie. Being in an eldership fulfills Scripture, provides the best leadership paradigm for His church, achieves accountability, and aides against burnout. Greater fulfillment is also realized, as the body functions best doing what it was created to do. In other words, I LOVE IT!
At 10:49pm on February 18, 2010, Myron Powell said…
WOW - my father-in-law is a carpenter. He's retired now, but still does some things on the side.
At 9:42pm on February 18, 2010, Myron Powell said…
Thank you brother. Do you have a website?

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