Up until yesterday, it has seemed to me that Islam is unstoppable. The world simply seemed to be without the nerve or the will to use force of arms to stop it. We have patty-caked with it but we have failed to contain it. In most circles we have failed to even acknowledge the reality of the threat. But now I wonder: could post-modernism save us from Islam? I post this question because I solicit your thoughts.
I heard an Egyptian writer on Fox News yesterday who was asked if he was concerned about a takeover in Egypt by so-called Muslim extremists (i.e. the Muslim Brotherhood). He said he wasn’t. He then explained that the crowds consisted of many young Egyptians, and that the typical young Egyptian of today wears jeans, a baseball cap, has tattoos and body piercings, and is not interested in being dominated by a gang of religions zealots. This caused me, for the first time I admit, to consider the possibility that the post-modern worldview may have taken hold in the Islamic world, just as it has here in American. If that is true, then it could bode well for freedom and democracy in the Middle East, at least in the short term. But would deliverance from the Islamic threat merely be a preliminary step toward delivering us into the satanic hands of the Antichrist? What a day we live in!
Views: 52
The brute force of Islam could possibly through violence and terror bring the young people in line. It will be an interesting time in history. Im still not persuaded Islam will bring the man of sin. Communism is alive and well too. China leads the way with over a billion people pretty much enslaved to their will. Hundreds of nukes and millions of soldiers. If we had to fight one or the other America would do better going against the Islamics. There is growing talk about "Islamic Socialism". Perhaps an unlikely marriage between the two?
Not sure if it is possible that post-modernism can come to our rescue in the long run. Perhaps in the short run, though.
I has been my understanding that our form of government is based on self-government -- the idea that government by the people works as long as the individual people governs themselves. Hence John Adams' words "Our constitution is only fit for a moral and religious people. It is wholly unsuited to the governance of any other kind." So if the individual does not govern himself, he creates a vacuum that is filled by the State. In other words, post-modern culture requires a tyranny because the individual does not govern himself. I think that this is what we are seeing in our own country. It is no longer "if a man does not work, neither should he eat", but "if a man does not work, the State must feed him". Another jurisdictional violation.
I don't think that it would matter all that much in the long run. Both postmodernism and Islam are anti-Christian, the first because it is essentially against any authority and the notion of absolute truth in general, and the second because it is necessarily against the truth of the Bible. But, between the two of them, I would really wonder how post modernists could win out. It is hard for me to find very many post modern youth who stand for anything other than themselves. Things such as honor, the family, truth and justice don't seem to mean anything real to them, let alone being worth standing up for. I have a hard time being optimistic about the youth, even in Muslim countries, although, they likely are not as far into drugs, alcohol and extra-marital relations as are their European and American counterparts. While you do see many acts of suicide in the post modern youth populations, they are not done to 'further the cause' as is the case for the Muslim suicide bombers. But then again, the sheer size of the the Muslim youth population is worth thinking about. If there were to be a breech made in the authoritarian and totalitarian outlook of the Muslim world, it would of necessity come from the youth.
However, what is really worrisome to me about Islam more so than other aspects is Sharia law. Even now, Sharia finance is taking hold within Western and US financial institutions. I'm sure many of you have recently been made aware of the Bloomberg finance connection to Sharia investments. It's only the most recent revelation on the topic. In any case, the required donations "to charity" by Sharia law make Sharia-compliant institutions willing donors to often anti-American causes, sometimes directly to terrorist organization. This, coupled with petro dollars, provides a constantly-increasing supply of money just where it can do the most harm. What a day we live in indeed!
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