The Glorious Church


(2Ti 2:4) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

-What is Paul attempting to convey here?

-Are we to turn a blind eye to conditions around us in this present world? Should we ever try to affect important issues such as abortion, freedom of speech or judicial corruption? Should we never interfere, speak up or be involved at all?

-What are your thoughts?

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If speaking up on these issues ever comes between us and following God's call on our lives, then we should rather heed His call and fight the Master's war, not ours. Hasn't God make it awfully clear to us in His Word, though, that He is on the side of the children, the oppressed, of true freedom and of justice? I think that people choose not to speak up out of fear of ridicule, or of being a target and not usually out of obedience to Christ! When we fear losing our position, influence, support, friends, etc. too much to speak up on these issues, it is then that we could be entangling ourselves with the affairs of this life, no? I suppose that's just one way of looking at that verse, though.
Quote - Nathan: I think that people choose not to speak up out of fear of ridicule, or of being a target and not usually out of obedience to Christ! When we fear losing our position, influence, support, friends, etc. too much to speak up on these issues, it is then that we could be entangling ourselves with the affairs of this life, no? (Emp. Mine -DG)

Nathan, I think your whole commentary was very good, but the quote above is very thought-provoking for me. I think you have expressed pretty much how I feel.
I like how the ESV Study Bible answers the question...

"This verse has at times been misinterpreted as a call away from “secular,” civilian pursuits. The Bible, however, does not allow Christians to separate life into distinct realms, “spiritual” and “secular.” All of life is to be lived spiritually, in obedience to the Spirit according to the Word of God. Paul does not see secular activities as being out of bounds but is warning Timothy not to allow anything (even perhaps things that could be considered “spiritual”) to distract him from his task."
Hi, Myron,

Very good observation. Your comments seem to go right along with Pro 3:6 (In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.). It looks like God wants to be involved in all our (thy) ways. By honoring this scripture, wouldn’t that alone make our lives, everything we do, always in the “spiritual” realm?

Since a soldier’s main task is warfare, it would seem obvious he would have absolutely no free time for monitoring bad legislation while actually involved in combat. Yet there are times when there is no actual battle going on, or a lull in the fighting. During these times, it would also seem apparent that he should not get so involved with other things that he could not be ready on a moment’s notice – a Minuteman we might say. Otherwise, he could not be ready to defend, nor please his country (him who hath chosen him to be a soldier). In that, I think you are correct that Timothy had a task that Paul wanted him to see through to completion…without getting sidetracked and hung up on something that would hinder the fulfillment of his mission.

Yet, there are those who must get involved with things a good soldier would have no, or little, time for. Or even the good soldier would be hindered in doing his duty. Wouldn’t this apply to the seven… chosen that the apostles would not be distracted from, or hindered in their main responsibility? If so, then wouldn't the "waiting on tables" would be in the “spiritual” realm also...though it is what would be considered by many as a mundane and “totally unrelated to serving God” task? They were relieving the apostles so they could continue their “warfare” as good soldiers.

Someone has to take care of things that are needful and necessary for the good soldier. How about his food and water? Somebody has to be tending the “secular” garden while he’s at war. Should someone be involved in managing his home-front? How about preserving his hometown, or actively trying to protect it from bad laws, abortion centers, unworthy political candidates, judicial corruption, gun confiscation, preaching prohibition, pedophiles, pornography and such like? Are these activities outside the “spiritual” realm?

It seems some use 11 Tim 2:4 as a scriptural reason or explanation, to not ever get involved in these things. So...I suppose the better way to state my question is: Should we Jesus Name people even be concerned or involved with theses things?
In my opinion, there is a fine line between being concerned and taking measures to protect our families, etc. and getting involved in picket lines, etc.

On the one hand our silence on issues can possibly be a reason why things have gone the way they've gone in our society. What was it Edmund Burke said? "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

But what of the Scriptures that state that it is God that places kings in power and removes them. Does the political upheaval's have God concerned?

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord during a time when society was steeped in sin. He was a "preacher of righteousness" but he remained faithful to the task of building the ark.

Ultimately balance is the answer in my opinion.
For sure, balance is the key (and a good measure of understanding would certainly come in handy). Which would seem to mean that no response would be out of balance as would be a worldly approach. There may even be times when no response would be appropriate for the situation at the time. But continual silence, as you and Nathan have eloquently stated, could very well be the reason the powers of darkness have made so much progress.

While I do consider my life in this world to be of spiritual nature, including my “secular” activities (as I always want to be mindful of and pleasing to God), there are things that pertain to life while in this world (eating, prisons, sickness) and things pertain to the heavenly, eternal or world-to-come realm (living forever, angels etc.). Yet, there is war in both realms. With this in mind, would 2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) apply to demolition of things we’ve spoken of above as “strongholds” in this world? If so, how?
I think Jesus has the answer to your question. He said, "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's."

I'm getting ready to meet with the men of our church for a Bible study, but later tonight, I will speak more about the mind. I think there are three minds in Scripture.

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