The Glorious Church


Martin Schmaltz
  • Male
  • Hazelwood, MO
  • United States

Martin Schmaltz's Friends

  • Darin Grimes
  • Myron Powell
  • Adam Hoppenbrouwer
  • Sandra K. Sanders
  • Josphat Wachira
  • Jesus M. Ruiz
  • Ben Vanderhoff
  • John Paul Tarver Jr.
  • Jamie Blair
  • Scott and Nicole Vice
  • Jeff
  • Kenneth Paul Scott
  • Bro.Matthew Bates
  • Steven Epler

Martin's Blog Page

How Many Plates Are You Spinning?

As a kid growing up, I remember seeing the juggler who would spin plates. They would place an individual plate on a thin stick and spin it; then repeat this process over and over. Periodically they had to return to a previous plate and give it an extra spin to keep them from falling off the stick. So the idea was to see how many plates they could keep spinning before one fell and broke.

Do you ever feel like this juggler? We all have our plates: jobs (sometimes multiple plates here), spouses, kids, friends, spirituality, hobbies and the list goes on. It seems our lives can get to the place we are running from plate to plate, giving it just enough to keep it spinning, then run to the next one. Unfortunately, there is a limit to how many plates we can spin and how long we can keep spinning. How do you know those limits? It is when the plate falls and breaks.

One of the first plates that usually breaks is our spiritual relationship; we find that we are either do not “have” time or are too tired. Matthew 13, Jesus speaks the parable of the sower. In this story, seed is sown on four types of soil: hard, stony, thorny and good. The applicable part to us now is the thorny soil. It states that the seed begins to grow, but then thorns grow around it and choke it out. In verse 22, Jesus gives the insights of this scenario: The seed is the word of God (consider it our spirituality) and he defines the thorns as “the cares of life” and the “deceitfulness of riches.”

The application could be something like this; the “cares of life” are the “things” we are busy doing just to live. They are not necessarily evil or sin, but the are so time consuming they produce pressure or stress on us. It is the never ending list of social engagements, the multiple practices for various sports or arts performances, the non-stop business meetings we believe are necessary, and the list goes on and on. Add to this the laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, yard work, car maintenance etc. All these add up to the care or weight of daily living.

The “deceitfulness of riches” are the wealth and “things” we think we need to possess. We ceaselessly pursue them because we believe they will some how satisfy, complete or fulfill who we are. (Now i know we may not say this, but it is really what we think deep down.) In fact there is a whole industry that their purpose is to show us how we are not complete unless drive certain cars, wear the right clothes, use the latest technology, drink or eat the “in” foods or use the certain cosmetics or personal hygiene products.

What makes these deceitful, is that we think we need them (we rationalize) and once they are obtained, the expected fulfillment is short lived, so we move on to the next. We are always pursuing that mirage on the horizon.

Jesus warns that these two things choke out our spirituality because they become the focus of our daily lives. The consume our time, energy and focus, leaving us at the end of the day, maybe even a life, exhausted and empty.

The answer - reevaluate our purpose. Refocus on Him and His purpose. When you are in alignment with what He created you for, you can learn to say no. You will not be consumed with the mundane of life and your fulfillment or completeness will come from Him.

The Captivity Of Thoughts

Thoughts are powerful things: they can be liberating and empowering, or limiting and demoralizing.

A common story told regarding the captivating power of thoughts is that of the training of elephants. As it goes, young elephants are taken and using heavy chains are tethered to stakes driven deep into the ground. The young elephant continually pulls and struggles against the chain, eventually giving up and “learning” it cannot get free. Once this has happened, even as a full-grown elephant, it can be tethered with a rope and stake because the elephant “believes” they cannot get free.

We find the same process happens in our lives when God sends us illumination of His kingdom and it’s power. We have a series of thoughts that affect how we process this illumination; unfortunately, many times these thoughts limit what God desires to do with in us.

What is the source of these limiting thoughts? They are from the traditions of men. Speaking of the effects of the Pharisee’s’ teachings, Jesus said they were “nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on” (MK 7:13 AMP). They were nullifying the authority of the Word of God. Now how can that happen? Isn’t God’s word all-powerful? Yet they were rendering it useless. The key to grasping this is in the word “traditions.”

The word used for traditions is paradosis and means “giving over, giving up, surrender.”* It derived from paradidoomi which according to Thayer’s means: “to give into the hands (of another),” “to give over into (one's) power or use.” This word is used 121x and in 100 of them it us used in the negative sense of taking or handing over into captivity.

So the principle here is that the traditions of men create thought processes that take us into captivity. This captivity of thoughts, prevent us from see the truth or illumination of the Word of God, thus limiting its effectiveness in our lives.

*For more about the definition of tradition see blog
“What Stops Us From Being Apostolic?” our book Apostolic Authority, Every Believer’s Privilege.

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Description of Ministry
Martin’s passion is to see Jesus manifested in the lives of each believer as they live a lifestyle of Kingdom authority.

His focus of ministry is challenging the traditional paradigm of church, enlightening the body of believers to the potential that lies within them. Much of his time is spent writing and ministering the principles of spiritual (apostolic) authority and re-alignment of the New Testament church structure.

Martin Schmaltz's Blog

Blessed: The Fruit Of Character

The Attractional Lifestyle Of The Kingdom 5

A foundational truth of the Kingdom lifestyle: it is to be a blessed life. Jesus reveals to us that this lifestyle answers the longing of the heart of man: to be blessed, happy and content. In the first nine verses of the Sermon On The Mount, The Beatitudes, Jesus presents a spiritual mindset that is counter to that of natural mankind and the world. The blessed lifestyle of the Kingdom is a product of His nature or character…


Posted on December 6, 2012 at 12:01pm

Finding Happiness

The Attractional Lifestyle Of The Kingdom  #4


In the last Kingdom Note, we defined what makes up a unique culture. We also demonstrated that the culture of the Kingdom was based on a changed mentality, mastery and morality.



Lets begin to look at the spiritual beliefs that result in the values and actions of the Kingdom culture.


The intro to the sermon on…


Posted on December 6, 2012 at 11:56am

Discovering The Kingdom Culture

 The Attractional Lifestyle Of The Kingdom 3

In the previous note we demonstrated that the Kingdom is God's plan. Beginning with Adam, through Israel, Jesus and now the church: He is revealing his domain or rule. As citizens of His kingdom, we are to live a lifestyle that is attractive to those around us.


Jesus first message was to "Repent for the Kingdom of heaven was at hand" (Mt 4:17). The word repent is an interesting one. For many in Christendom,…


Posted on July 3, 2012 at 5:33pm

What's God's Plan?

 The Attractional Lifestyle Of The Kingdom 2 - The Kingdom Is His Plan!


“The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven, which was the main teaching of Jesus, is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.”~  H G Wells


The Kingdom has a particular lifestyle, one that does not necessarily match modern North American Christendom. It is a lifestyle that is…


Posted on July 3, 2012 at 5:29pm

Are You Attractive?

The Attractional Lifestyle Of The Kingdom 1

If you are involved in church/ministry leadership, I am sure you are aware of the reported condition of North American Christendom and the traditional church structure. While there may be a couple of organizations that claim growth, as a whole, Christendom or the traditional organized church is on a steady decline. In fact, there are those who are labeling our culture now as post-christian. Whatever you may think, I believe…


Posted on July 3, 2012 at 5:26pm

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At 9:54am on October 17, 2018, Ahuva Baginski said…

I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very impotant to discuss with you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for the more details.
God bless you.

At 8:35am on February 26, 2011, Jesus M. Ruiz said…

Hello Bo. Schmaltz,


Sorry I haven't replied sooner.


Yes I actually lived outside of ATL in a small city called Loganville. I am an elder with Alpha Omega in Watkinsville, GA with Elder John Leyva and Bishop Clarence B Harris.


The ministry aim is manifold, but at least within our fellowship the thrust is to feed and nurture the saints to maturity. This is neither easy, nor quick, but there is a constant instruction of the Word, opportunity for practice, and opportunity for the gifts deposited in them to be applied within the body. Balance is also an important issue between the natural and the spiritual. There is a heavy anointing for teaching and in depth study of the Word and how it applies to many current issues we face in the world in regards to the rise of othe doctrines in the church and many religious outside (Islam, JW, etc).


I just logged in here after a long while. I do get Bro. Huston's updates about the annual meetings, but have never attended one. I met Bro. Huston and visited one of his home groups with another leader many years ago, maybe 10 and have just kept in touch with the website.


Grace, blessings, and much peace as you continue in the endeavors of the Kingdom.


Jesus M. Ruiz - j, Elder

At 1:33pm on October 20, 2009, Steve Sanders said…
Hello Bro. Marty, It was a pleasure meeting you at the GCC. I'm disappointed that we can't have you join us for a visit anytime soon, but I'm not discouraged because I know the Chief Shepherd has a way of working things out that he's purposed. Until that time, I will continue to keep in connection with you through the network. May God Bless Your Ministry to His Body. Steve
At 9:32pm on October 19, 2009, Mike Hensley said…
Greetings Bro. Marty, thank you for the rich teaching last weekend. It was definitely a faith-building, no, faith-catapulting Men's Advance! Be blessed as you go, and we hope to see you soon.
At 10:04am on October 19, 2009, Alex Thornhill said…
It was good to meet you also brother. May the LORD bless you in your travels!
At 10:26pm on October 18, 2009, Donnie Gillum said…
Awesome teaching, Brother! Don't quit're about to get the hang of it! LOL!
At 8:42am on October 12, 2009, Brian & Michelle Schrift said…
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in a few days!

Lord Bless,
At 7:36am on March 31, 2009, Pst Bonface Barasa said…
Thank you man of God Martin Schmaltz .Iam happy for the connection and I believe it is divine connection.I know God has apurpose for our friendship .Here in Kenya we are serving the Lord and we look forward to meeting each other and serve the people of God.You are in my heart and Iam praying for you.
Pst Bonface Barasa Kenya- Africa[Western]

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