While attempting to persuade a brother to invest in Alexander Strauch’s material about Biblcal Elder-ship, a statement was made to this effect, “Donnie, it would be better accepted in our ranks if it were by an apostolic author.” Sadly, I could not point him to any such material.
Sometime later, this brother contacted me and said, “Donnie, I was in prayer and feel the Lord wanted me to mention to you about writing an elder-ship training book yourself.” I told him I would seek the Lord about it and see what happens. However, I know very well that I am not qualified to do so, and I don’t not know of any apostolic that is in the process…or even considering doing so.
I feel, though, the brother is correct. We DO need material from an apostolic perspective. But…after some consideration, I thought there may be a way to accomplish something even much better than the product of the pen of a solitary author. Since one of the Glorious Church Network’s main points of interest is plural elder leadership, I wonder if the members of this network, by the help of the Lord, could do it?!!! It would be the product of many instead of one!
Admittedly, this would be an ongoing and long-term project, but the info could be used by others immediately during the work in progress – if we do it online and in this forum. Some on the Network are already involved in plural elder leadership and could offer some very priceless assistance from experience. Others, though not directly involved in plural elder leadership, would still have valuable insights to contribute to the work. Perhaps most importantly, there may be those desiring to be elders, who may be more directly connected to the need and, therefore, able to bring to our attention important issues that need to be addressed and implemented as well. So overall, none would be disqualified from making their contributions, and it would be a project that possibly all of us could participate in.
Do you have something that you feel should be included in biblical, plural-elder leadership material – for an apostolic audience? Is there something that you have sorta stored away in the back of memory thinking, this needs to be put to use...somewhere? Have you learned something from experience, observation or by desire that others need to know? This work would not be limited to a one-time contribution for each one of us, but most likely many contributions, by each of us, as the Lord may impress upon us to include as we go along.
We could add our insights, thoughts or even discuss issues right here on this forum. Eventually, there may be information overload, and it may be difficult to assimilate, coordinate and get it into
some sort of structure…but we can learn as we go. In fact, the skill of some gifted individual
among us may surface that can sort all this out, make grammar corrections, and put it all together in an orderly form.
Views: 108
Seeing that the response to this idea has been somewhat less than overwhelming, it is most likely that few have the time, or want to be involved in such a long-term project as proposed earlier anyway…and really, that may be for the best. Maybe some revision will help.
If someone were to write Plural Eldership Training Material – For Apostolics, are there any suggestions you’d like to make? To minimize the task for each one interested, what if you were allowed to choose the level of input you’d like to have?
For example you may:
Once again, is there something that you have sorta stored away in the back of memory thinking, this needs to be put to use...somewhere? Have you learned something from experience, observation or by desire that others need to know?
What are your thoughts? Does this have potential, or is it a “Spruce Goose” that will never go anywhere?
Bro. Donnie, I think a lot of what you are looking for is already available on the Glorious Church website. Of course, I am not suggesting it is complete and it certainly is not arranged in such as way that it could be called a training manual. This is, however, something I have been slowly attempting to put together. I would like this to be more than my project, so I'm glad you have brought this up. Perhaps what would be useful is any material that adds to the material I have already accumulated on the webiste, plus any suggestions on how to arrange the existing material and how to present it in such a way thay it could be used for training. I am very open to the ideas of the members of this network; so brethren, please post your thoughts.
Bro. Dave, This sounds like a great idea! Didn't really think about looking into what you already have on the Glorious Church site. I'll have to look it over...and maybe we can go from there.
QUOTE - Bro. Winskie: ...I would like to list one of my personal scriptural pet peeves, however. defining men and womens roles in the church and society. Also, I truly believe in Sunday School...
Bro. Winskie, You have mentioned two very good topics here:
While both can fit within our framework of Plural Eldership Training material, (and I am definitely interested in both of them) I’d like to offer a suggestion that may work better for one of them – the Sunday School. Since you mentioned “pet peeves”, it may be useful to start a forum by the title “Pet Peeves” and post your edited article about Sunday School there to start the topic off (I may have some comments on it also). In this manner, we will have a forum dedicated to “Pet Peeves” that may allow us to draw some solutions from the “well of counsel” (Pro. 20:5) for the benefit of us all. However, if you do not feel this is an acceptable suggestion, as for my part, feel free to go ahead and post it in this forum.
Good Health & God Bless!
P.S. If for some reason you should decide not to post it at all, I still would love your edited edition sent to me.
Bro. Winskie, You may send the article to me if you'd like.
I would like to read it to: mrprevost@gmail.com
Honestly, I'd rather send it to you and, if you feel so led, you can post it. It's not that I don't believe it to be truth. It's very controversial, bro. I actually lost my "pastorate" for teaching it. We, as a family, practice it, and have caught LOTS of flack from brothers and sisters in the Lord. Therefore, I'd rather send it to you and let you read/study/pray/ and correct me (if you feel I'm off somewhere.). I can take correction. I just have a hard time with the "finger-pointing" kind.
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