I met Jim on Stan Hallets Good News Cafe forum in 2000. There was a discussion going on there about the post trib rapture. Jim's comments were of the truth and we began talking by phone. We also connected on the truth of plurality of Elders. I had association with several groups along my walk that taught that so we had a few things in common from the start.
Jim introduced us to the book The Glorious Church and Bro. Dave Huston. After reading the book I called Bro. Dave and introduced myself. Jim and I fellowshipped by phone here and there for a few years before he persuaded me to visit the yearly conference I think in 2006 where we actually met face to face.
For a time Jim and I ministered together on Paltalk.com on topics such as the Oneness of God, the new birth and Biblical Eldership and home Church fellowship. As time went on we continued our fellowship by phone.
He stopped by our place in Kentucky around August of 2017. He said the Lord showed him he was to minister to Linda who was at that time at her lowest point in her battle with cancer. He himself had received a harsh diagnosis of cancer at that time. We will always remember that special time. Jim prayed and together with the prayers of other saints God has moved for her and the cancer has been defeated!
In our last several talks Jim was really hoping to move to Elyria Ohio and be part of the Church there. When he was severely ill down in Florida Bro Dave called to let me know. My prayer was of course for his healing but especially he would not have to die there among strangers.
What a joy it was when I called him the next time and found the Pastor in Elyria had brought him up to the Church there! Very thankful to Pastor Sanders for allowing God to use him to fulfill Jim's desire.
So just a few lines here to show my deep respect for my friend Jim Mckinley. Without doubt one of the finest Bible Teachers I ever knew.
Look forward to seeing him again in the great resurrection day!
Views: 918
I last spoke with Bro. Jim in September. I haven't heard anything new since then. I just received notification of this post today even though it reads December 9, so it's a little surprising. Is everything alright?
Hi Bro Michael, Jim passed away a few months back after moving to Elyria Ohio.
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