The Glorious Church


A lot is being said and written about purpose. This thought is prevalent in the business and motivational world. Companies are encouraged to find out what their purpose is beyond just producing a product or providing a service for profit. It is believed that in finding their purpose, they will become more successful. This success comes because of two reasons: first, by knowing their purpose they can focus solely on the actions that produce the desired results. Secondly, this focus of purpose provides a deeper motivation to achieve.

This idea of finding a purpose is also essential to effective ministry in the Kingdom of God today. However, the purpose we seek should not begin with the question “What is my purpose?” It should begin with the question, “What is God’s purpose?” Once we understand this, it provides us the perspective and framework to grasp our purpose.

So I pose the question –“What is God’s Purpose?” Tough question to think about. Me figure out His purpose? No! I need to go to the Word and see what He says about His purpose. Once I have done this, then I need to see if my purpose is in alignment with His.

In my review of the scriptures, it is apparent that God’s purpose was to have His glory fill the earth. We are told that His glory fills the earth (Isa 6:3), the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth (Hab 2:14) and all the earth will be filled with His glory (Num14:21). There are numerous other scriptures that declarethat there will be one king over this earth and all nations will come and worship Him. (Ps 86:9, Zech 14:8, Rev 11:15).
So…God’s purpose was to fill the earth with His glory!

If the earth was and is to be filled with His glory, what was God’s plan to accomplish this?
Glad you asked. I have a thought. Lets go to the creation of mankind. God created a perfect world and a place called the garden of Eden for mankind to live.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image , after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Gen 1:26

God created Adam (mankind) in His own image and gave Adam dominion or authority over this perfect creation. Adam was to act as God’s representative to creation. Genesis 1:28 tells us that “God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” Mankind was to bear fruit in increased numbers and fill, fulfill or overflow the earth with the image of God.

Psalms 8:4-8 (for the sake of space I will not print here) many times is attributed to a prophetic statement of Jesus Christ. However, in light of Adam’s creation and Jesus being the last Adam, I believe you can see where this applies to both – the first and the last Adam. The word used for angels in this passage is elohiym or God. Adam was made a little lower than God, crowned with glory and honor. Adam was made to have dominion over the works of God’s hands. All this was because Adam (mankind) was intended to fill the earth with the glory and dominion of God! Wow! Mankind was created to reveal the glory and image of God! What a privilege we have, to be God’s representative.

Food For Thought
Have I determined what my purpose is in Christ, and more importantly; is it filling the
earth (my world) with His image and glory?

Until next time-

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Comment by Donnie Gillum on April 9, 2009 at 9:38pm
Quote: In my review of the scriptures, it is apparent that God’s purpose was to have His glory fill the earth. We are told that His glory fills the earth (Isa 6:3), the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth (Hab 2:14) and all the earth will be filled with His glory (Num14:21). There are numerous other scriptures that declarethat there will be one king over this earth and all nations will come and worship Him. (Ps 86:9, Zech 14:8, Rev 11:15).
So…God’s purpose was to fill the earth with His glory!

I like this...very good! It provides additional confirmation (to me at least) for the fulfillment of Eph 4:13 concerning the task given to the five-fold ministry. (Rather than fill up space here, please see my forum post of I Have a Dream if interested.)

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