The Glorious Church



Hi Brothers,


Some of us are not in a situation where we have an Assembly to attend. Why could not Churches who are desiring to minister to the Children Of God who are scattered abroad use the amazing tool of Streaming video to include us in the meetings?


Of course I know this is not a perfect situation but consider this. Some of us have been out of Church for a long time because to attend just any Church would be to great a compromise. Out here in the spiritual desert  souls are starving and need at least some contact with a real New Testament Church.


So although not perfect this is the next best thing. Many Churches already have this going. They also have something called Streaming audio where at least the meetings can be heard.


Although some of us do believe there is coming a great restoration of spirit and truth we cannot say when this will hit. I personally though undaunted have been waiting for over 30 years!


While we wait some may fall away from discouragement. As the years go by some of us will die not getting to experience the good that is actually happening now in some networks.


How about it?

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I feel your pain, Brother.  We are in a similar situation.  "Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."  Several Oneness churches around, but none I really want to support.  It makes you ask questions of yourself such as "Am I just a rebel?" or "Are my standards just too high?" (not talking about Holiness Standards -- in most cases they think mine are too low).  Some of the churches are like family businesses that fight over saints like they were capital assets.  Some are dead or dying.  Some are so ignorant of the scriptures that any idea outside the "cookie cutter" is treated as heresy.  All of them single-pastor led, though I can live with that if the pastor is upright and honest.


BUT, I have found a group of saints that have been meeting in a home Bible study format every Friday for over 10 years!  It is a vibrant, excited group that studies and prays together.  And it is growing.  We can barely get into one house anymore.  They start off about 6:30 PM with food and fellowship and then study the scriptures (usually going through whole books, but the passage of the week is only the jumping in point -- the topic usually changes to what the group needs at the moment).  We rarely leave before 11:00 PM.  Sometimes it goes to midnight or later.  There is usually some prayer time.  Not really a worship time though.  They are from different congregations (but they don't like pastors to visit because the pastors get jealous over saints and they don't want their pastor to shut them down).  They are starting to see themselves as a congregation in their own right, but they are not there yet.  But they are MY church body.  I bounce around between a couple of congregations on Sunday, but always attend the Friday night Bible study group.  I also have been regularly attending the congregation where most of them are from for Wednesday night Bible study -- mostly the same folks, but it's in the church building and not nearly as "alive" as the house meetings.  The single pastor where most of them attend has never been to their Bible study in the 10 years they have been doing it. 


Perhaps you can find something similar.


Hi Brother thanks for your reply. I understand about home Bible studies and home Churches. The great majority of my walk with the Lord has been exactly that. I would love to be part of one again. We moved to Ky 8 years ago and since then have found no new Oneness friends in our area. It is unlikely unless the Lord intervenes we will ever be able to afford to move again.


There is a UPC Church here but other than Oneness and Acts 2:38 we disagree on most all foundation teachings. I would love to be part of a group that had plural elders but at this point just to have ONE that walked in the whole cousel of God would be amazing.




Bro. Mike Gibson, we started this morning looking into live streaming of our meetings. I'm out of town until March 1, so I'm not sure when we will be able to get it started. I'll keep you posted.




Wow Im amazed! I was hoping against hope you would say that Brother. Im sure others will feel the same way. Peace and love, Mike

Well the Carlisle Christian Fellowship is now live on streaming audio. What a blessing to be present in spirit with the saints there. Thanks Brothers!

Mike Gibson said:


Wow Im amazed! I was hoping against hope you would say that Brother. Im sure others will feel the same way. Peace and love, Mike

Mike Gibson said:
Well the Carlisle Christian Fellowship is now live on streaming audio. What a blessing to be present in spirit with the saints there. Thanks Brothers!

Mike Gibson said:


Wow Im amazed! I was hoping against hope you would say that Brother. Im sure others will feel the same way. Peace and love, Mike

Anyone interested can listen to our live broadcast by going to our website at We start sometime between 10:30 and 10:45 on Sunday mornings. The exact start time varies a little because we serve refreshments, and we sometimes wait until our guests get settled in before we actually start the meeting. Our Sunday morning messages are always directed toward our guests who need Jesus.

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