The Glorious Church


Let's use this FORUM only as a place to post articles or headlines that indicate we are living in the last days.

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This link is to an article by Melanie Phillips. It is significant in that it deals with Israel. For those of you who don't know much about President Obama's past, suffice it to say that he has very definite connections with people harboring strong anti-Semitic sentiments, or downright Israel loathers, not to mention communists and closet communists. Obama has been very pro-Muslim from the get go and it is uncanny the alliances that are being worked out in the world between the far left and Muslims. Personally, before the pres. election, I thought that people who even hinted at such things were simply duped or propagandized. Hundreds of articles and books later, I can attest that it is indeed true, and more...this article simply deals with one aspect of the current administration.

If you gentlemen keep up on current events with some good online sources, then you are probably already fully aware that Israel is likely prepared to attack Iran without the US's approval, and possibly very soon...Whether or not that happens, we shall see.

The title of this article says: Home: No place for Bible study
County demands pastor obtain $10,000 permit to host friends
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the article. I certainly don't think that this is widespread or will be this year, but signs point to this becoming more and more frequent. The mere fact that a government official even said that a pastor couldn't hold bible studies in his home for approx. 15 people is alarming, even if such a thing has not yet been pursued and resolved. We should expect more of this kind of thing.
Astounding isn't it!

I wonder how many people realize that a license or permit is “permission”...given for a fee. I think this will definitely increase as it is an immense money maker…and a critical factor for those wishing to control, or impose upon, the “sheeple”. There have already been problems in KY with preachers preaching on street corners without a “permit”. The unfortunate pastor you mentioned seems to serve as another example of what people have become conditioned and accustomed to think or expect the government has a “right” to do. I.E. concealed weapons carry “permit”, building “permit”, yard sale “permit”, drivers’ license, hunting license, fishing license, marriage license. Concerning this last one, I have an email about one lawyer that “goofed up” and admitted in court that one has “…renounced his naturally acquired and naturally endowed personal sovereignty, when he applied for and executed a marriage license under the laws of the State of California so as to obtain the status of marriage.” Many would be shocked to realize that it used to be that marriage was simply recorded in the family Bible! But now, we are supposed to get “permission” from the government for a God-given right. (However, there are still some that don’t get this “permission”.) Also, As I understand it, on the marriage license, the minister’s signature makes him an agent for the state. Something to think about, isn’t it?

Nathan, I’m sure you well know that some things have been wrong so long that we are prone to think they are right. (In the religious world as well.) I know that we are to render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, as Jesus said. But the point is, there are some things that don’t belong to Caesar! And, it seems there are so very few that seem to care. People have been hoodwinked into ignoring such “minor” encroachments that the proverbial camel now is fully inside the tent. Further, Christianity has been conditioned such that few, if any, will speak up for another, or offer any objection to injustice from a government that has overstepped its bounds, for fear of “disobeying God”.

Thus, we can expect more of the same.
Some afterthoughts:

After observing things similar to this situation over the years, it seems (to me) that some things like this one are simply “feelers”. It appears they are testing the pulse of America with something “radical” to find out just how much the frog in the water will move under this amount of heat. If reaction is still a little too hostile, they simply back off and use a little lesser aggressive tactic. It’s the old “two steps forward, one step back” approach. But after a while the aggressors will feel they have reached a level where they are able to implement their real program with little, if any, effective resistance.

This happened recently in the state of Missouri. The government notified the police to be on the lookout for potential “threats” in the citizenship. Among other things, anyone having a Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin (Constitutionalists) bumper sticker were to be considered suspect, and likely to be pulled over and arrested. Public outcry was enough to cause them to retract their outrageous plan. My opinion? It was just a “feeler”. It is a way to wear people down until they can no longer find the will to resist. This will likely show up again, in another less threatening form…and of course, in the name of National “security”.

Concerning this pastor’s plight, I wonder: Just what should this pastor do? Of course the standard answer is that he should pray and seek God about it. Can anyone say, “Duh!”? While this is certainly correct, it also can allow one to dust their hands and pronounce their duty done since they have offered such excellent religious advice – off in the distance, untouched and uninvolved…yet!

Of course we know God could certainly work something that we could not even have imagined. And I pray that He does. But until this man gets his answer, his options seem to be:

-Raise the money for the “permission needed”.
-Quit the Bible studies (be a “peacemaker”).
-Continue the Bible studies without official “permission”.

The next weekly Bible study time will surely roll around, whether he has his answer or no. His decision will affect us all.
I sent this piece in to the Harrisburg Patriot-News a couple of years ago as a letter to the editor. I think it relates to Nathan's comments about Obama and Muslims.

Dear Editor,

It has been a curiosity to me that American liberals seem to have such an affinity for guys like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. At the very least, they are always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Yet as a devout Muslim, Ahmadinejad opposes the separation of church and state, gay rights, abortion rights, freedom of speech, equal rights for women, and the teaching of evolution. Plus, he favors censorship of books and movies. Now one would think that each of these positions would bring utter disdain from the liberal establishment. But it doesn’t. We never hear any criticism of Islamic fundamentalism for its stand on these issues. Could it be that there is one area of commonality between devout Muslims and modern American liberals that overshadows all of the areas where they disagree and inextricably knits their hearts together? I believe the common bond is expressed in the following quote from Thomas Jefferson:

Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: (1) Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. (2) Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Letter to Henry Lee (August 10, 1824)

Of course, when those in the first category (the devout Muslims and American liberals) gain the ascendency, they do everything in their power to prevent the people from thinking, speaking, or writing. Hence, Al Gore finds it perfectly reasonable to tell the press that they should no longer cover anyone who holds to a contradictory view on global warming. Hence, the American education establishment finds it perfectly reasonable to forbid the teaching of Intelligent Design and only allow evolution. Jefferson also wrote, “The most effectual means of preventing the perversion of power into tyranny are to illuminate the minds of the people.” But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants only his views circulated and American liberals want only theirs, which only goes to prove that it is not about issues at all; it is only about holding total power over the people.
Quote- Dave Huston: "...which only goes to prove that it is not about issues at all; it is only about holding total power over the people." (Emphasis mine -DG)


Great article and well stated. (Boy! You must have a really good keyboard. LOL!)

Can the plans and workings of the "New World Order" be successfully thwarted through prayer?
Regarding the left and Islam, you are right, Dave. But there is yet another commonality between the two--connected with what you wrote, but somehow distinct. It is a common hatred for biblical Christianity. The left is usually OK with Christianity, but only if it remains hidden, ineffective, dormant, or dead. As soon as truth starts changing people's lives in practical ways and offering a real solution to the stain of sin, it becomes the biggest opponent of the left's proposed salvation, not to mention Islam's.
Could it be that their common hatred for true "lived-out" Christianity is because their desire to be Lord of all cannot tolerate any competeing Lords, even the true Lord of All? This would explain why they have no issue with "dead faith" Christianity.
Great article. My wife and I home schooled our three children (two are married, one still at home), and neither of us were in the educational field! I'll go out on a limb here and take the article a little further: Parents without a complete formal education, with strong friends and family ties (and some even without these) can do a world better of a job in raising good responsible children than any government program - it's the God-given method!
While there is a lot of conspiracy theory, there is also a lot of conspiracy fact. Texe Marrs information can verify FEMA camps throughout the US…one is about 2 hours from where I live.

I assume it’s the same all over the US, but I’ve noticed in my area, the new schools being built look like prisons…some with no windows, or windows that can easily be replaced with bars, and high fences around them! The situation in the good ol’ USA is alarming…at least to me.

I posted this following article as is because it states it better than I can. -Donnie

FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops!!!
Target: Freedom
June 8, 2009

The above is a link to FEMA.GOV website page that details the upcoming nationwide training exercise in July 2009. This is directly cut and pasted the full text below from the site.

This is very alarming. This IS NOT an exercise for FEMA to practice disaster relief. This page states very clearly that this exercise will “focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery”.

AND THEY ARE BRINGING FOREIGN TROOPS INTO OUR TOWNS AND CITIES TO TRAIN TO POLICE US. As stated in FEMA website, “This year the United States welcomes the participation of Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom in NLE 09.”

Imagine, armed Mexican troops protecting us from ”terrorism” in the United States! Don’t you feel safer already? ¿Dónde están sus documentos?

Rumors of foreign troops on our soil have been circulated for a long time. BUT this is not a rumor. It is a blatant fact as stated by FEMA on their government website. THIS IS AN INVASION.

During Katrina the federal government went in and disarmed everyone, even law abiding citizens. Recently, Tennessee passed into law a bill that states that Tennessee residents undoubtedly have the right to keep and possess their firearms during martial rule. Why did they feel the need to do this? And what does it mean when our government is running martial law drills on a nationwide scale?

We are told that this is just a training exercise. Should we believe that? Foreign troops in the Southwest sounds incredibly similar to what we learned, back in the 1980’s, from undercover FBI agent Larry Grathwohl:

Watch the videos that are here:

Undercover FBI agent Larry Grathwohl told us of people whom he described in this way:

“They felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education centers in the Southwest, where we would take all of the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be. I asked, well what is going to happen to those people that we can’t re-educate that are die-hard capitalists? The reply was that they would have to be eliminated. When I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers. When I say eliminate, I mean kill … 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious.”

Do yourself and your family a favor...
Don't Fall into the Sheeple Pit...

Ignore the TV Media
Investigate 911

Also...I wonder, how do we respond to this?


FYI - read carefully and decide how you'll answer the intrusive US Census (which has already sent workers around to determined the GPS coordinates for your home.)

Original message:
Subject: Acorns Illegal Census; Constitutional Requirements
Action: Print this and pass along.

Legal Authority to Ask Intrusive Questions Not Present

This Constitution and the Laws made in Pursuance thereof... shall be the
supreme Law of the Land...all Judges shall be bound thereby...any
the Contrary notwithstanding.
[Article VI, Clause 2, of the Constitution of the
United States of America

The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form
and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void. Unconstitutional
law bears no power to enforce, it purports to settle as if it never existed,
for unconstitutionality dates from the enactment of such a law and not such
time as branded in an open court of law. It confers no rights; it imposes no
duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal
contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. No courts
are bound to uphold it and no persons are bound to obey it.
[16 Am Jur 256]

The Fourth and Fifth Amendments were described in Boyd v. United States, 116
U.S. 616, 630, as protection against all governmental invasions ....of the
sanctity of a man's home and the privacies of life. We recently referred
[381 U.S. 479, 485] in Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 656, to the Fourth
Amendment as creating a ....right to privacy, no less important than any
other right carefully and particularly reserved to the people.''
[GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965)]

Declaration To Make To Census Takers:

"I hereby affirm that the provisions of Title 13 ....requiring me to
disclose my race, personal financial data, birth date, or any other personal,
private information to the Bureau of the Census, an agency of the United
States government, constitutes an unreasonable, unwarranted search of my
person, house, papers, and/or effects, and a governmental invasion of the
sanctity of my home and the privacies of life. As such, these provisions
violate the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, and are thus wholly
void and I am not bound to obey them.

I have completed the only those sections of the Census form pertaining to
the Constitutionally-mandated actual enumeration, as follows:

1. The actual number of people living at the address printed on the form,
excluding untaxed Native Americans;
2. Age of each person in accordance with US Const. Amendment XIV, Section 2;
3. Sex of each person, in accordance with US Const. Amendment XIV, Section 2.

I have thus fulfilled my obligation to the attainment of the actual
enumeration of the populace of the United States.

Any fine or other sanction that is levied by any office or organization
stemming from the unconstitutional provisions of Title 13 in connection with
my response to this or any other Census-related questioning will be
challenged in a court of law."
Article source:

Census bureau, ACORN, How safe is the information?
Put a lock on your underwear drawerŠthe census questions are coming.

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bull's-eye central is afoot. The thousands of volunteer census workers
assigned to get answers to questions from every household in the country has
launched. How old are you and members of your household? What is your
religion? Have you ever been on food stamps? What is your phone number? What
is your race?

Magically we have ACORN as one of the groups at the center of collecting
data nationally. Don't you just want a stranger from ACORN coming to your
door, saying you have to answer personal, intrusive and unconstitutional
questions for the first time in our census history? According to
Representative Michele Bachmann, she has stated publicly:

"I know for my family the only question we will be answering is how many
people are in our home. We won't be answering any information beyond that,
because the Constitution doesn't require any information beyond that."

Census bureau spokesperson Shelly Lowe didn't waste any time taking Bachmann
to the woodshed by reminding her of a portion of the U.S. legal code saying
that if anyone over 18 refuses to answer any of the questions asked by
census takers you can be fined up to $5,000.

Of course, predictably, the left and census brains are implying Bachmann is
above the law and any of the rest of us who might rebel by not answering
intrusive questions are horribly in error and will be fined if not more

We collect census info every 10 years and it is in our constitution that we
do need to reveal how many people live at our home. That is for good reason
since money is allocated to various states and members are elected to office
by knowing how many people need representation in various areas around the

All manipulative and personal questions are a violation of our rights and
frankly none of our Government's business. When money and potential,
political representation is linked to the outcome of census numbers
collected we should have all the more concern that a group like ACORN, full
of indictments in over a dozen states for fraud and misrepresentation is
even involved!

The question we all should have is what is the Government planning to do
with all this personal info?

Could our personal info be ever used against us? According to Rep. Bachmann
some of the members of congress have had their web sites hacked into. How
will all our private information be protected, not sold, not stolen and not
used against us at some time?

The census folks and this administration say abuse of the info won't happen
and we are safe. Are we safe much like the Japanese were in the 40s under
Franklin Roosevelt who


No, our Government wouldn't dream of over reaching with control and abuse on the American people.

I encourage all to think very carefully about what your rights are and what
you should do in answering questions that are vividly unconstitutional!

With a Government that wants more and more control and already identifies
masses of law abiding citizens and vets as potential domestic terrorists we
must start drawing lines!!! We must draw lines of protest regarding this
fraudulent over reach regarding the census; draw lines regarding intrusion
on private enterprise and business, draw lines regarding loan shark like
plans for additional taxes, via cap and trade, the endlessly growing
stimulus bill, and potential UN, global taxation schemes a foot as we speak.

We don't have a choice anymore. Those of us who want a country left must
find our voice, really read and know our constitution, declaration of
Independence and bill of rights!!! Once these truth's and foundations are in
our heads, organize, march, protest where needed and get behind real public
servants! God bless America and our right to privacy!

End of Article

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