The Glorious Church


Let's use this FORUM only as a place to post articles or headlines that indicate we are living in the last days.

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In case some of you are not aware of this, which will only become more commonplace, I'm posting it here.

A prof of Catholicism in Illinois was recently fired for explaining the catholic position on homosexuality to students and stating that he agreed with the teachings. An anonymous student complained that he perceived this as 'hate speech'. This is disturbing in and of itself, however, it is also interesting to note that the diocese did not show their support of him as one would logically expect...hmmm.
It will be interesting to see if this will go to court.
Finally, I'll bet that had it been a Muslim professor explaining the same teaching, that he'd still have his job.
Keep an eye on the situation in Arizona. The Gov. seems to be preparing some sort of "hate crime" application to this as well.
I think people would be too afraid to fire a Muslim who did this, even though the teaching would be identical. After all, Muslims issue fatwas.
Not sure what you mean by 'hate crime' application to the situation in Arizona--(the crackdown on illegal immigration). Can you explain or direct me to more information?

Another word about the very terminology 'hate crime'. I seem to hear about it mostly in situations that have nothing to do either with hate or with crime, and I still cannot understand why such a thing would be desirable by anyone, accept in a few situations where certain people simply don't want to hear that others find their behavior unacceptable or sinful. Is it just another step toward the Orwellian society where one fears even believing something unpopular? We already have punishment for crimes committed. Does it matter what specific beliefs or views caused the perpetrator to act, (unless we are talking accidents or self-defense)? And how could one outlaw hate, or any other attitude, emotion or even belief? And how does anyone who supports such a thing (I don't know many people who do, honestly) think that they and their beliefs will be spared from further hate-crime legislation in the future? It is mind-boggling to the extent that I think sometimes I'm missing some information on the subject or am reading fictitious stories! What's next? A list of things you cannot say (think) in public? And how many churches will succumb to the pressure?
It has to do with the Obama administration suing Arizona over the immigration issue. Rather than fill up this forum with the info, I'll send it to you in email. At any rate, people may think all these illogical happenings in the USA idiotic, but it is not for the "powers that be". These things have their purpose. Brother, America has been sold out!

Quote: "How many churches will succumb to the pressure?"
That I don't know, but this one thing I feel sure of, there is definitely coming a change in church structure.

Ever wonder about all this weird weather over the past few years?


For me, this poses some interesting questions:

  • Can weather be influenced so as to cause drought?
  • Can cold fronts be shifted and manipulated?
  • Can hurricanes be scientifically created or at least influenced?
  • Can deep earth drilling affect Continental plates to provoke earthquakes?

You may have some others. 


Lest I be branded as some sort of "conspiracy nut" :-) here’s something else to keep in mind: Weather modification in warfare has been banned by the United Nations.

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