The Glorious Church


Donnie Gillum's Comments

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At 8:01pm on August 21, 2010, J. T. Wheeler said…
Thanks for the welcome, Elder Gillum! And thanks again for the conference CD's. They were very helpful. I'm actually going to be meeting with my ministry team in the next couple of weeks and we will be going over a new model of ministry for our church here in Ashland, KY. To God be the glory. :)
At 7:30pm on July 17, 2010, Pastor Barry Henderson said…
Hello Brother Gillum, we have a small group of about 60 people in our northern town of Australia; our weather is not unlike New Orleans in summer time so it gets very humid and some times heavy tropical rains come in December – January, the Church is mostly young people so we are very active in music out reaching in our area, we have a daughter work just begun in a town called Charters Towers a small mining area of 12.5 thousand folks there’s about 10 people coming regularly now so we do covert your prayers for us we don’t have many other apostolic groups near us, we love the truth and that causes us to be separate from the Christians groups around us in this area., so if your ever in North Queensland call in for a fellowship meal etc God Bless Brother Gillum please give our kind thoughts and love to your Church and Family and Friends from the Townsville Pentecostal Church.
At 8:31pm on July 13, 2010, Jim Moses said…
Good! Can she tell a difference in her health after 57 days? Sis went on the diet last spring. I am really excited for you guys or should I say gal : )
At 7:00pm on July 13, 2010, Jim Moses said…
It's going good. June 1st was 1 year. Did you guys do anything with it?
At 12:15pm on May 5, 2010, Edward Graham said…
Well things are heating up here in Jamaica and it's not yet the summer months. People are crying out for God seeking Him as they are becoming aware that He is their only hope, as well as people are shunning the knowledge of Him. I guess that's you'll find everywhere, but strides are being made to win the lost for Lord. We have much fight from the evil as was to be expected. People aren't willing though to accept the plural leadership style, I guess that they are used to the authoitarian style of leadership but all in all I have to say that God has been tremendously great. Some have accepted and greeted it with cheers of joy.
At 6:12pm on May 4, 2010, Edward Graham said…
Thanks for your response. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and to share experiences on the walk with our Saviour. I think this is a tremendous opportunity provided us by the technology to link with like minded people from around that world to share the good news and our thoughts about Jesus, the Great God and Saviour.
At 3:45pm on February 21, 2010, Donnie Gillum said…
LOL! Great! Mind telling a little of your journey - how you came to see plural elder leadership, your contact and association with your fellow-elders and progress to this point?
At 2:55pm on February 21, 2010, Myron Powell said…
Thank you brother Donnie. Being in an eldership fulfills Scripture, provides the best leadership paradigm for His church, achieves accountability, and aides against burnout. Greater fulfillment is also realized, as the body functions best doing what it was created to do. In other words, I LOVE IT!
At 10:49pm on February 18, 2010, Myron Powell said…
WOW - my father-in-law is a carpenter. He's retired now, but still does some things on the side.
At 9:42pm on February 18, 2010, Myron Powell said…
Thank you brother. Do you have a website?
At 11:15am on October 23, 2009, Steve Sanders said…
Hello Bro. Donnie,

Yes…most of my family was already living in Elyria when we started connecting with the Carlisle believers. I’m so glad to learn that you’ve been meeting in home groups for the last few months. Home groups are the primary focus of our ministry to the church and community in Elyria, and I’m confident that you will find them to be extremely beneficial to you, your family and those you’re trying to reach out to with the gospel message.

Progress Summarization: the first week after we left the Carlisle church, we started meeting at my brother-in-law’s house for home group using the Carlisle church’s home group booklets. At first we used almost exclusively the home group lessons given to us by Bro. Huston. Some of these lessons can be found on the Glorious Church website. Within a couple of months, the Lord blessed us with a former Baptist church building for Sunday worship service, Christian learning classes and outreach events, but our main focus was and is still our home groups. Within a year, our home group grew to approximately 18 faithful believers, so we multiplied into two home groups. My wife and I have a home group in our home on a weekly basis and my Sister and her husband have a home group. Our home groups progressively grew spiritually and numerically. As the depth and maturity of our home groups started growing, and believers started dealing with woundedness, transparency, authenticity, and confession we started losing some people. The home groups for some were fun and cool at first, but then God started really doing a work in the hearts and lives of the believers and some decided at that point that home group was not for them. Thankfully most of the believers in Elyria continue to testify about the ministry they’ve received through home group. They wouldn’t trade home group for anything.

Here is a list of some of our most effective home group teaching series;
1. Series 1: Life in the Community of Light (Bro. Huston)
2. Series 2: Jesus: Head of the Church (Bro. Huston)
3. The Lordship of Jesus Christ (Bro. Huston)
4. The Power of Vision (Bro. Huston)
5. Passion for God's Purpose (Bro. Huston)
6. Improving your Serve (Charles Swindoll)
7. Regroup (Henry Cloud and John Townsend)
8. Changes that Heal (Henry Cloud and John Townsend)
9. Boundaries (Henry Cloud and John Townsend)

Thanks for asking about us, and I'll be asking the church this Sunday to pray for you folks. May God Bless You...Steve
At 9:04pm on October 20, 2009, Steve Sanders said…
Hello Bro. Donnie, I'm pleased to learn that you received confirmation from the Lord while attending the GCC. It was three years ago this October that we were sent from the GCC by the believers in Carlisle to begin planting an Apostolic church in Elyria per our Lord's blueprint for His church. I'm glad to be a fellow laborer with you, and I'm looking forward to our future correspondences. Steve
At 8:49am on October 20, 2009, Steve Sanders said…
Hello Bro. Donnie, it was a pleasure to meet the both of you. I'm so glad you decided to attend the conference; Since this was your first year at the Glorious Church Conference (GCC), I'm curious to learn how you liked it?
At 9:26pm on October 19, 2009, Brent Williams said…
I was have loved to come but I had to take my vacation time to attend the Shema Conference here at home. Maybe God will open up the door next year.
At 9:22pm on October 19, 2009, Mike Hensley said…
Greetings to you brother, I'm sorry that we made our acquaintance at the end of your visit here; I would have enjoyed talking to you more. Until we meet again, let's be friends on the network.
At 7:54pm on October 19, 2009, Adam Hoppenbrouwer said…
Hey Mr.Gillum! It was nice to meet you also. We have learned a whole lot at the conference and at the mens advance, it was great! Well hope all is going well for you, God Bless Brother.
At 9:59am on October 19, 2009, Jim McKinley said…
Donnie, It was good meeting you and having some time to get to know each other. Hope to see you soon.
At 8:08am on October 19, 2009, Martin Schmaltz said…
Donnie, you know, practice makes perfect. Guess i'll just have to keep on tryin"
At 12:04am on October 19, 2009, Alex Thornhill said…
Good to meet you too at the conference, brother! It was great to discuss the end-time topic that you brought up!
At 8:59am on October 13, 2009, Jamie Blair said…
Bro Donnie,

We are excited and expecting great things at the home group meeting tonight at our home! Thanks for the opportunity for allowing us to host this!

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