The Glorious Church


January 2011 Blog Posts (4)

Does Your Church Have Curb Appeal?

So I have finished the makeover on this house and we now have it on the market. To help make the sale, a key step is to stage the house. The idea of staging is to place furniture, pictures and decorations in key places to give the prospective buyer an idea of how they could arrange the house. When done correctly, you find they will begin to discuss how their furniture would fit in the particular room.

One of the components of staging is the outside, particularly the front door:…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 28, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Defending Water Baptism

This post is a response to the entry for Acts 2:38 in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Revised and Expanded, edited by Jerome H. Smith (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992, pp. 1234-1235). 

Smith writes,

The English text does not adequately convey the grammar of this verse.  When the grammar is understood, the verse no longer can be used to support any view of baptismal regeneration or baptismal remission of sin.  The phrase "every one of you" is mistakenly…

Added by Michael V. Frazier on January 17, 2011 at 12:24am — No Comments

Mind Altering Books of 2010

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ~James Bryce


The following is a list of the books that significantly impacted me in 2010. To reach this list, these books changed, clarified or reinforced my (new way of) thinking. Obviously, I do not agree with every word, but enough to recommend them.


Total ChurchChester & Timmis

What impacted me most regarding this book was their grasp on the holistic…


Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 13, 2011 at 12:15pm — 2 Comments

What's Your Precious?

I’m a huge Lord Of The Rings Fan. I was introduced to Tolkien and the Hobbit back in eighth grade algebra with Mr. Parkinson. I was in desperate need of extra credit (notice the emphasis added!).  For those of us who were sinking fast, Mr. Parkinson offered extra points if we read The Hobbit and gave a short a report. What it had to do with algebra, I still do not know, but like any drowning man, I grasped for a lifeline!

It so happened that our family was… Continue

Added by Martin Schmaltz on January 6, 2011 at 6:32pm — 1 Comment

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